NOTE: SITE IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT various links to Current events Pages to be added:
Banner Photos are from Dr. Arlin Super's 2003 Utah WMP showing the automated propane seeding generator, instruments and homogeneous nucleation of ice crystals at nozzle T= -76ºC
via Extensions- ModuleManager: Current Hydrometeorological Events and News (cust html User 1 page 2 in 50/list)
New Book: Weather or Not: Meteorological Decision Sources
Revised and Improved 17 October 2019 Available NOW
Revison incudes physics of climate change and Grand Solar Minimum's rapid global cooling today
Make your own weather and climate related decisions
Sept 23 2019
NASA Predicts 200 year Grand Solar Minimum in 2020-2025
How Ice Ages Happen: The Milankovitch Cycles
more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eB3DJtQZVsw
see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yze1YAz_LYM
Updated 22 March 2022 and every week
Today’s Latest Information:
Global weather extremes Electroverse Global weather extremes
Global Extreme Log (updated weekly)
Global USDA Global Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin
Polar Portal Daily Greenland Ice Sheet
French Arctic and Antarctic weather
Univ. Wisconsin Antarctic Monitoring and Research Center
Best Global Skiing Weather Source: Open Snow
Grand Solar Minimum impacts: Adapt 2030
GSM preparedness: Patriot Headquarters
GLOBE Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment
Extreme Events occupied much of the news in 2015 2015 Year of Extremes
In 2016 extremes continued: 2016 Year of Extremes again
Extreme Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria in 2017 cause Billions in damage
2018 was another year of extremes from Category 4-5 hurricanes, Super Typhoons and devistating fires in California to a record low -98ºC in the Antarctic
ARSO Pasja Ravan Radar tour photos
NEW Powerful Weather Analysis and Forecast tool: Windy TV World Wide weather: V, T, QPE, QPF... from ECMWF and GFS Models + local forecasts, web cams, METAR obs... 9 October 2018
GOES 16 AND 17 ATLANTIC and PACIFIC Real-time Satellite imagery visible to water vapor
Detailed Selection menu: https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/GOES/index.php