
Vituki Environmnetal Protection and Water Management Research Institute and Vituki Consult, Budapest


Vituki Environmnetal Protection and Water Management Research Institute and Vituki Consult, Budapest


May 16, 2008


Dr. Peter Bakony, Director Scientific and International Affairs, Vituki, and Drs. Gabor Balant, Maria Szomolanyi, and Sandor Szel, Vituki Consult met with me to discuss WaterNet and their research and applications. Vituki Consult has many varied projects that range from environmental monitoring and hydraulic measurements to numerical modeling and prediction, and water and environmental management. The Vituki team expressed interest in WaterNet and becoming members of our Community of Practice. They will review our web pages and join our CoP as it evolves. Their interests include detailed soil moisture estimates and modeling forecasts, precipitation and temperature forecasts, climate variability and change studies related to water supplies of the Danube, drought monitoring and prediction, and flood prediction.


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